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Global Missions in Your Own Home
Eastern Christian High School
July 18 – August 5

Global Missions in Your Own Home!
Become a host family to an International Student for our American Experience program.

Eastern Christian School is currently seeking host families for the Summer International Student programs. Many of these students have never heard the gospel and this would be a great opportunity for global missions right in your own home.  As an EC host family, you will offer a young International Student the opportunity to discover America through your eyes. Your family will not only gain a new family member, you will also learn about a different culture, its values & traditions, language, food, and more!

What potential host families should know:

The International Students will be in class or activities every weekday. Families just need to provide room and board and a safe, loving environment in the evenings and on weekends. A stipend is provided to cover hosting expenses.

Please contact Andrew Zetterstrom