The EC Auction Gala is on April 4! Purchase Tickets and Learn More
It has been 41 years since my graduation from Eastern Christian School. Last year, June came and went without a reunion to mark the 40 year milestone. Honestly, I never gave it a thought. I returned to NJ after college and have lived here for the past 35 years. I have served on various committees at Eastern Christian and on both the Operating and Foundation Boards of Directors. Despite those connections, I had lost sight of many of the things that made Eastern Christian so important to me.
Then, in September of 2014 I came to work full-time at Eastern Christian School. As Executive Director of the Foundation for ECSA, I reconnected in ways I never did as a volunteer or even as a parent of two EC grads. I began to attend chapel and witness the Spirit moving among the students and faculty; I spend time in the hallways and see students interacting with friends and having fun; I walk through the cafeteria (and yes, I even buy my lunch there) and see a community. And it all helps me remember. I remember that for twelve years I was part of a community here at Eastern Christian School. I was taught, encouraged, and even disciplined (once or twice) in this place. I made friends here. I grew up and matured (or at least began to mature) here. My faith began to form here. This place, this school was a critical influence in the person I am today. I realized that coming to work here was not just finding a new job that I loved; it was a little like “coming home.”
Click here for full 2015 Homecoming info
Now I want you to experience a bit of what I have. I want you to “come home” again, even just for a few days. I’m hoping that the good memories, the “happy thoughts” will come back to you. On October 23-25 we are hosting EC Homecoming. The weekend is packed with activities including the 1st Annual EC5K, several sporting events, a family BBQ, and a Sunday brunch. Plus, there will be campus tours, a class reunion, and opportunities to meet with your former classmates, friends, and faculty.
I hope you’ll “come home” to Eastern Christian and reconnect. Watch for details in the summer edition of The Herald and through our social media outlets. I hope to see you here.